Office Automation Services.
I have spent years developing spreadsheet applications for major financial institutions. I like to
design a complete solution so that a user only has to enter data once, and preferably not at all if the
information already exists in another system. How much time do your employees spend extracting data from
one system so that they can then enter into another one? If you use the Microsoft Office suite of applications
then most of the time this can be overcome by getting one spreadsheet to talk to the other, allowing your employees
to spend their time being more productive.
Databases and Customer Management
Sometimes a spreadsheet is not really the best solution.
We often use spreadsheets to hold lots of data about our customers. However, creating a proper database application
will provide a better solution, but databases seem complicated in comparison and difficult and expensive to set up.
They don't need to be though, and often they will provide a much better solution. Imagine if instead of having a spreadsheet
of customer pricing tables, and another one with a diary of when prices are to be reviewed, you had one system where
you could update your customer contact details, price structures and a diary management of customer tasks that
then reminded you when the reviews were due and also kept an audit of who completed the review and when. In fact the
combination of tasks is only limited by our imagination.
We can even combine all of this into your website but ensure that it is only accessed by the people who need to
access it.
I offer all of these services to local businesses.
As always my services offer exceptional value for money, whilst you mind find cheaper I provide a personal
service and a one stop solution and invite you to be involved in all stages of the design so that you
end up with a solution that does exactly what you want and looks exactly how you want it to look.
You can find my prices here.